Visual Basic program "VB BHmerger" - Display - BH #3 = 5 m0
When you observe the above merger displays there two distinct types:
- In the first type you see many black "circles". A typical one is display #1 with phi = 0.
- In the second type you observe many red "circles". A typical one is display #20 with phi = 190.
In each of the displays there is also a green line. This is the path of the small object #3, which enters from the right and which approaches the binary pair of the two Black Holes.
The largest black hole is the black trajectory. This is BH #1. The path starts when phi is 0 left from the center of gravity and goes downwards.
The smallest black hole is the red trajectory. This is BH #2. Thi path starts when phi is 0 right from the center of gravity. The angle phi is angle between the start position of BH #2 and the horizontal point true the center of gravity. In the display the path goes upwards.
- In display #1 the black BH starts at phi = 180. Follows a circle through pi = 270 and meets the green BH at almost phi = 360 or 0 degrees. At that point the speed of BH #3 increases above 300000 km/sec and evaporates. That means the mass of BH #3 disintegrates and merges slowly with BH #1. The mass of BH #3 increases slowly and the two BH's start to spiral towards each other. This stops when all the mass of BH #3 has merged with BH #1 (the black one)
- In display #4 the black BH starts at phi = 210. Follows a circle through pi = 270 and meets the green BH at almost phi = 10 degrees. At that point the speed of BH #3 increases above 300000 km/sec and evaporates, the same as in picture #1. The difference between the two is that the closest distance is smaller and the rotation frequency of the two BH's is larger.
- In display #19 the red BH starts at phi = 180. Follows a circle through pi = 270 and meets the green BH at almost phi = 350 degrees. At that point the speed of BH #3 increases above 300000 km/sec and evaporates. That means the mass of BH #3 disintegrates and merges slowly with the red BH #2. The mass of BH #2 increases slowly and the two BH's start to spiral towards each other. This stops when all the mass of BH #3 has merged with BH #2 (the red one)
- In display 28 with phi 270 the green BH #3 is ejected from the binary system.
- Display 12, 18, 27 and 33 are typical cases where the average distance between the two BH #1 and #2, after the merging with the green BH #3, increases.
Picture 1
Phi 0
Picture 2
Phi 10
Picture 3
Phi 20
Picture 4
Phi 30
Picture 5
Phi 40
Picture 6
Phi 50
Picture 7
Phi 60
Picture 8
Phi 70
Picture 9
Phi 80
Picture 10
Phi 90
Picture 11
Phi 100
Picture 12
Phi 110
Picture 13
Phi 120
Picture 14
Phi 130
Picture 15
Phi 140
Picture 16
Phi 150
Picture 17
Phi 160
Picture 18
Phi 170
Picture 19
Phi 180
Picture 20
Phi 190
Picture 21
Phi 200
Picture 22
Phi 210
Picture 23
Phi 220
Picture 24
Phi 230
Picture 25
Phi 240
Picture 26
Phi 250
Picture 27
Phi 260
Picture 28
Phi 270
Picture 29
Phi 280
Picture 30
Phi 290
Picture 31
Phi 300
Picture 32
Phi 310
Picture 33
Phi 320
Picture 34
Phi 330
Picture 35
Phi 340
Picture 36
Phi 350
Created 3 March 2016
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